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I’ve been making art and craft my whole life, starting with drawing for hours at a young age. My childhood home was filled with DIY books of all sorts as my mom was an educator and believed in making do and creating what we needed for play. From cooking to science experiments to short backyard plays to building forts, my siblings and I crafted a childhood rich in handmade memories and gained skills that have lasted a lifetime. Although I was schooled in music magnets up through high school, I chose to study architecture in college. It seemed like the perfect blend of creativity and career.

Fast forward through fifteen years as a successful architect and then everything changed when I had my first daughter. I found it hard to balance my career with the needs of my family. So I left the profession and started focusing on all of my former skills as a maker and artist. I shared my love for making with my daughter as we created seasonal artwork in the play room, created handmade decor and gifts, or made plush creatures from her sketches.

Friends encouraged me to share what I was making, and my first blog imagine.make.play was conceived. A few years later, after my second daughter was born, I renewed my commitment to blogging by making and documenting something every day for one year. 365 Days of Making posted simultaneously on Instagram, Facebook, and my blog. That year set me on a path of exploration into my own creative process as I experimented with new materials and learned new skills. Now a few years later, I am still exploring and making in a variety of mediums although with a focus more and more on reusing, recycling, upcycling, and using natural materials. I believe in consuming less and making more with what we already have around us.

Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing a love for making.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi, do you still have your other blogs (imagine.make.play and 365 Days of Making)? You are inspiring me to create more with my son. I was hoping you’d have How-To’s on this blog as well (specifically the felting)? Do you plan to do this anytime soon?


    1. Hi Sylvana. I would love to be able to create How-To’s again, but am not able to devote the time and resources required right now. But if you have questions about a process, I am happy to answer them or point you to some good sources for How-To’s. Thanks for the feedback.


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