Day 250 – Scary. I needed to draw my “critical voice” so I could destroy it. Say hello and goodbye to this hideous creature. S/he has been ripped from the pages of my sketchbook and set alight over the stove. (Taken with Instagram)

Day 203 – My 2yr old loves to “write,” so I often find scribbled scraps of paper around the house. Every once in awhile something catches my eye and I stop to look at the scribbles more carefully. This time I sketched over her lines until a new image appeared. I saw a cat-like creature. He was awoken by a pesty fly buzzing around his head, and got tangled in the cord of the lamp he was napping under. Ahh scribbles. So much possibility. (Taken with Instagram)

Day 246 – Beginning a triptych pencil drawing as a way to start the creative process for a commissioned installation involving three doors. (Taken with Instagram)

Day 247 – I plan to create plush toys from both these drawings. I sketched the red one from the book, “Ella Sarah Gets Dressed.” It will be super soft and floppy. The brown one was drawn by my daughter when she was 6 yrs old. I love the ears, expression, and proportions. (Taken with Instagram)

Day 230 – Taking pictures with my right hand while drawing with my left, I played a sketching game that I call “chasing the shadow.” I then created an OSnap video. Check it out above this post.
(Taken with Instagram)

Day 233 – A drawing of a memory. I had a clown doll as a child that had layers of clothing so you could learn to zip, snap, button, tie, etc. I had to get rid of it because I could not remove the mold that had invaded the stuffing. I wish I had taken a photo of it. I plan to make a similar one myself some day. (Taken with Instagram)